STYLE Bangkok / News & Update
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Auspicious Enhancement Product, a reflection of creativity and the design with functionality
Auspicious Enhancement Product,
a reflection of creativity and the design with functionality
To promote Thailand as the production and export hub of lifestyle products of the ASEAN region, the Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), Ministry of Commerce organizes STYLE Bangkok October 2019, an international lifestyle trade fair during 17-21 October 2019 at Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangna, Bangkok.
Under the product development promoting the combining creativity, innovation and Thai identity, Spiritual lifestyle products are considered another segment that received great interest in Asian market. The belief in the promotion of prosperity and fortune which has been deeply rooted in the Asian way of life and culture for thousands of years, especially in China, Japan, Thailand and India. While products of spirituality, auspiciousness enhancement, and morale-boosting have few competitors in the market, entrepreneurs should take this business opportunity into consideration. With a full understanding of consumers’ behavior both cultural and lifestyle wise, together with the right strategies, entrepreneurs can capture success from this exciting market by designing an unconventional spiritual product suitable for the younger generation.
During the seminar entitled “Techniques for Product Added Value Creation Through Auspiciousness Enhancement”, distinguished guest speaker Assoc. Prof. Piyasang Chanabongphaisan, Lecturer at the Department of Art Theory, the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University disclosed that “The Spiritual Power products segment, showcased at the Niche Market Showcase in Hall 98, has become one of the most distinctive segments echoing the lifestyle, belief, and morale-boosting powers. It is no longer something conservative or old but rather something modern and fun. For instance, auspicious numbers and colors, alphabets and symbols; amulet; animal, plants fruits and other object that can bring good fortune.”
“The younger generation should not contradict the older generation’s belief as some beliefs have been around for hundreds or thousands of years and it is deeply rooted inseparably from our culture. Not witnessing with one’s eyes should not justify what others might believe. In creating auspicious enhancement products, we need to take into account what target customers believe in. Then develop the design that is the perfect marriage of spiritual belief and modern design. The finished product should help enhance its image and reliability. For example, the red color is an auspicious color for Chinese that brings luck, happiness, and good fortune. The Bat of Fu (Chinese “Hok” God) is a symbol of happiness and joy for the Chinese, it is also
incorporated in to Chinese-designed products but designers should not mistakenly use the same symbol with the Western audience due culture the differences. Meanwhile, some of the auspicious fruits have its own distinct meaning and should never be used, such as the Tangerine; it is a symbol of luck, while the peach means longevity, the pomegranate symbolizes fertility and abundance. In brief, transforming beliefs into design requires study, research and experience to choose a suitable design that can enhance the product’s images.” Assoc. Prof. Piyasang said.
Assoc. Prof. Piyasang added “In Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kongese cultures, Gods or the Immortal is not a spiritual object but an auspicious enhancement. Therefore, the designs of a Gods like Hok Lok Siew or the Three Gods are various and have many forms, sometimes it can even come in the form of cute cartoon characters. Chinese also believe in Feng Shui or the belief of how to locate and decorate the home, building and office. Feng Shi is an art of psychology that gives the resident a sense of comfort, confidence, warmth, and occasionally confidence to tackle work tasks. Needless to say, that belief is not well proven scientifically, but it could be encouraging and empowering. I’m impressed by Japanese designs where religious belief like Zen plays big part in it. We can see Zen in Japanese interior design and architecture. In traditional Japanese aesthetics, Wabi-sabi is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection sometimes described as one of beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete, i.e. an old dried log can be redecorated and become something new. So, the tips in making success in this niche market is the ability to transform spiritual belief into art object that can attract interest of targeted audience. It can definitely be the rising market that help enhancing sustainable growth of the lifestyle product industry in the future.
STYLE Bangkok October is expected to draw more than 50,000 visitors from over 70 countries throughout the 5 days of the event and see purchase orders worth more than 2 billion baht placed. The trade fair aims to boost the country’s image as a producer of international lifestyle products as well as to promote a sustainable growth of national economy.
STYLE Bangkok October 2019, the most stylish lifestyle trade fair in Asia takes place during 17-21 October 2019. Trade days from 17-19 October, 2019, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Public days from 20-21 October 2019, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at BITEC, Bangna. For more information, visit dial DITP Call Center at 1169.